Discover Alternative Urbaine (Urban Alternative)
Every year, Alternative Urbaine Bordeaux (France) offers a cultural season of urban walks to discover the little-known or poorly-known neighbourhoods of Bordeaux and its communes.
When Mountaineers Perceive their Harm to Biodiversity
An article about practical actions for park authorities to reduce the impact of mountain sports on biodiversity: using emotional images and videos of frightened wildlife to raise awareness, tailoring interventions based on participants’ levels and engagement, and enhancing the ecological and biodiversity training of mountain professionals:
Professeure d’Amenagement et d’Urbanisme, Marie Delaplace
An interview with the expert of eco-tourism Marie Delaplace, economist and teacher in planning and urbanism on the relation between high-speed rail and its impact on tourism:
Discover about Plaine Commune
The event, organised by Plaine Commune, is a fun and sporting way of discovering the nine towns and cities of Seine-Saint-Denis through cycling routes and showcasing the local heritage.