Environmental Health Chat

This podcast series explores how environmental exposures affect our health. Each episode highlights ways researchers work in partnership with community groups to understand and address environmental health issues.
Radio Ecohealth

Radio Ecohealth is a community radio station with a variety of talk shows and music & promoting of Pierr@Ecohealth Products.
Food Fight

Our Food Fight podcast explores the major challenges facing the food system and the innovations and entrepreneurs looking to solve them.
Podcast Episode – The Role of Youth in Transforming the Food System
It’s been over a year since our FutureFoodMakers released their #MenuForChange – six clear action points the sector needs to address for a sustainable food system. For the last episode of series 4, we checked in with Júlia Montoliu and Chloé Dorin (two of our youth food system representatives) to hear about their journey so far and plans for prompting a positive change in our food system.
Bridging Knowledge Systems: A Community-Participatory Approach to EcoHealth

Earth’s life-supporting ecosystems are integral to human and planetary health. Ecosystem services connect ecosystem functions to human well-being. The complex, multifaceted socio-ecological challenges of ecosystem decline necessitate a transdisciplinary approach, including the active and meaningful engagement and participation of local communities. Communities uniquely possess expert local knowledge, which, when integrated into policy development and community planning, has the potential to enhance and sustain ecosystem benefits for health and wellbeing. Community-informed mapping tools provide an opportunity for integrating science, policy, and public participation in data collection. However, there is a dearth of community-informed mapping tools demonstrating the interconnection of the ecological and social determinants of health at a place-based level.
Youth in Europe: Effects of Covid-19 on their Economic and Social Situation

This study looks at how the long-term repercussions of the pandemic for young people required an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted and uneven socio-economic impacts across regions in the EU, as well as of the pre-crisis situation and structural weaknesses. This is all the more important against the backdrop of an accelerating transition to a green and more digitalised economy.
Geneva Environment Network

The Geneva Environment Network (GEN) is a cooperative partnership of more than 100 environmental and sustainable development organizations based at the International Environment House in Geneva and at other locations in the surrounding region. Established in 1999, GEN organizes events and promotes awareness of environmental issues. The Secretariat is supported by the