In this section, you will find a set of documents enabling the collaborative creation of eco-health tourism experiences. It addresses both students and professionals working with these sectors by encouraging a more experiential, sustainable and beneficiary-driven approach.
In fact, you will have the opportunity to use the Collaborative Guide to Crafting Eco-health Tourism Experiences. This guide is to be completed throughout the creation of your experience.
If some of the concepts are not clear to you when you fill in the guide, no problem, you can open the Modules which will enable you to understand all the theoretical aspects related to the creation of tourist experiences!
Finally, you can draw inspiration from the various tourist experiences that have been developed throughout the project by young Italian, Irish and Belgian entrepreneurs! Seeing and understanding what others have come up with can sometimes give you lots of ideas!
The Collaborative Guide to Crafting Eco-health Tourism Experiences is the practical part, in other words, the template that should be filled in: it can be downloaded as a PDF to be printed and used in paper version, and it can be used as a PowerPoint to be filled-in digitally.
The Modules are the theoretical backbone of the Collaborative Guide, as they contain useful theories and contents which will help the practical reflections contained in the Collaborative Guide.
The Experience Development fact sheets are the explanation of the work done by young professionals involved in the project Grassroots who have co-created grassroots tourism experiences by using the Collaborative Guide to Crafting Eco-health Tourism Experiences
Go and have a look!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights therein 2021-2-BE04-KA220-YOU-000050778